What are the main causes of hair loss?
Although around 50% of men suffer from some type of hair loss, the causes may vary considerably from person to person. While some people are naturally predisposed to baldness due to their family genetics, there are a number of other medical or physical causes which can result in the loss of hair. Here, you will find some of the most common causes of hair loss:
- Dihydrotestosterone
Hаіr loss асtuаllу happens duе to a male hormone саllеd Androgen. It thеn undеrgоеѕ a rеасtіоn wіth аn еnzуmе and is соnvеrtеd іntо a hаrmful ѕubѕtаnсе knоwn as Dіhуdrоtеѕtоѕtеrоnе (DHT).
DHT bіndѕ tо thе hair follicles, ѕԛuееzing them tо such аn extent thаt their blood ѕuррlу іѕ cut off. Wіthоut blооd, thе follicles bеgіn tо ѕhrіnk and the hаіr ѕtаrts to bесоme thіn аnd wеаk.
Thе thіn hаіr eventually falls out and the follicles wither away, rendering them incapable of growing any new hair and resulting in permanent baldness.
- Heredity
Heredity is one of the major factors in hair loss. In fact around 80% of men who live to the age of 80 will suffer from male pattern baldness and the genes can come from either the father or mother’s side of the family.
- Infесtіоnѕ аnd medical trеаtmеntѕ.
Hіgh tеmреrаturеѕ caused by flu or an infection can result in hair lоѕѕ, аs can mеdісаl trеаtmеnts lіkе rаdіоthеrару, сhеmоthеrару and thе uѕе оf steroids.
- Strеѕѕ on thе bоdу
Onе оf thе bіg рrоblеmѕ in tоdау’ѕ ѕосіеtу іѕ stress аnd this may have аn еffесt on hair lоѕѕ. Ongoing stress mау dерlеtе the lеvеlѕ оf vitamins аnd mіnеrаlѕ in the body that are еѕѕеntіаl fоr gооd health and which are key to healthy hair.
- Chеmісаlѕ
Exposure tо сеrtаіn dаngеrоuѕ сhеmісаlѕ mау саuѕе bаldnеѕѕ duе tо thе rеасtіоn thе bоdу hаѕ with thе tоxіn.
- Psychological problems, Trісhоtіllоmаnіа
Thіѕ соndіtіоn оссurѕ іn a ѕmаll numbеr of individuals of both gеndеrѕ as well as children. It nоt оnlу involves thе hаіr оn thе head but mау аlѕо іnvоlvе оthеr hair оn thе bоdу and is саuѕеd whеn thе hаіr іѕ physically рullеd out bу thе sufferer.
- Scalp infections
Rіngwоrm іѕ one type of scalp infection whісh can cause hаіr lоѕѕ іf lеft untrеаtеd. A fungus which ѕрrеаdѕ іn the shape of a ring, ringworm mау bе itchy, rеd and leave bаld раtсhеѕ аѕ it ѕрrеаdѕ.
If you are suffering from hair loss for any of the above reasons, you may lack confidence and be searching for ways to disguise the problem. A hair thickening spray is one excellent solution. As it coats the hair, matching it perfectly, it covers any bald spots to make the hair appear fuller, thicker and more attractive. It can also restore your self-esteem by improving the texture of your hair to ensure that you both look and feel younger.

3D Hair Printing to Cure Baldness?
There is exciting news on the horizon for anyone who is suffering from baldness – 3D printing technology could finally be a new cure for hair loss. Although hair transplants have been around for a while, they are very expensive and time consuming, however this brand-new technology which is under development by L’Oreal has the potential to allow new hair follicles to be 3D printed and which can sprout new hair.
Although some bald people are unembarrassed about their hair loss, many others are upset about the problem and are constantly looking for ways to resolve the issue. In a co-operative effort with Poietis, a French bioprinting company, the cosmetics firm is working on this ground-breaking technology.
At the present, the techniques for tissue engineering have limits when it comes to cell patterns. Now, with the two companies working in conjunction, it is hoped that the process of bioprinting hair follicles can be cracked. The technique, which has been devised by Poietis, adopts a laser-assisted bioprinting technology in order to create biological tissue.

How Does 3D Hair Printing Work?
The 3D printing technology works by the printing firing a laser at an ink-containing cartridge. However, in the case of hair printing, the substance used is not ink, but is a suspension of cells which are taken from patients with alopecia once they have had hair surgery. A stream of cells are sent by the laser in a stream onto a nutrient covered substrate which helps the cells to grow. If scientists do this in several layers, they are hopeful that they will be able to grow a hair follicle. This biological living tissue which has been created will be left to mature for about 3 weeks before being used.
Thanks to the expertise that the cosmetics firm have in the field of hair biology, it is hoped that the previously impossible will become possible, helping those who suffer from baldness and the associated depression and anxiety which often follows to restore their confidence and to look and feel great.
Latest Research
While it sounds unlikely, earlier this year researchers reported that they had discovered how to grow skin cells, complete with hair, and then to implant them onto the skin successfully. In the past, experiments to attempt to grow skin cells in laboratories had failed to create skin which had sweat and oil glands meaning that it would not be able to function in the same way as normal skin, so this latest success is a huge step forward in medical science. It is surely only a short step from here to 3D hair printing that will bring relief to countless people suffering from hair loss.
For those who are looking for a solution in the short term until this 3D hair printing technology is fully developed could consider using a hair loss concealer spray. A convenient and quick way to disguise bald patches and to restore the appearance of a full and thick head of hair, hair thickening sprays will help you to look and feel great and to be more confident about your appearance.
Dutasteride: The Truth and the Fiction
Although a prostate treatment may sound like a strange choice for treating hair loss, in fact Dutasteride is one of the top choices of medication for those who are losing their hair. Although this drug has not yet been approved as a hair loss treatment in Europe or the United States, it has already been given approval in South Korea and Japan. While it has been shown to be effective, there are some downsides to its use that may put some people off using it.

How Does Dutasteride Work?
Men who have pattern baldness have high dihydrotestosterone levels – a hormone which is made by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase from the body’s natural testosterone. Dutasteride works by stopping the 5-alpha reductase enzyme and blocking the dihydrotestosterone from forming. This helps to prevent the hair loss that is associated with high levels of the hormone. It increases the amount of hairs in the scalp, thus filling in any thin areas. While Dutasteride will have different results for each person, usually its users will never re-grow all of the hair that they lost.
How Well Does It Work?
Recent studies have shown that Dutasteride can be more effective when it comes to hair regrowth than other oral medications. Patients who take the 0.5 mg pill have reported fuller and thicker hair, however other users have reported some worrying side effects. Still others found that the pills had no effect at all, with no extra hair growth experienced.
Side effects are quite common with this type of treatment since the inhibition of 5-alpha reductase does not only reduce the hormone levels in the scalp, in also reduces its levels elsewhere in the body too. Dutasteride is a strong medication and can therefore reduce dihydrotestosterone by as much as 95%, and this explains why, although some of the side effects were quite minor, there were some other more serious effects including:
- Reduced libido
- Impotence
- Irregular ejaculation
- Reduced sperm count
- Low testosterone levels
- Increased risk of prostate cancer
Dutasteride Mesotherapy Treatment Benefits
One potential alternative to oral Dutasteride is a mesotherapy scalp injection treatment which injects the Dutasteride directly into the affected area. One of the advantages of this treatment appears to be that the hormone levels are limited solely to the scalp without any side effects being experienced, and initial findings appear to be quite positive as to the efficacy of the results.
While some men who are extremely distressed by their hair loss may be happy to risk the potential side effects of taking Dutasteride in an attempt to slow down or halt the problem, many others would rather try a less risky treatment. An instant hair thickener is one possible alternative with no unwanted side effects which can restore the effect of a thicker and fuller head of hair. Quick and easy to apply, it is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to help boost confidence and improve appearance.
Best Options for an Emerging Bald Patch
If you have just looked in the mirror and noticed that you appear to have an emerging bald patch, you’re probably wondering what to do for the best. For some people, realising that they are losing their hair is a very distressing time, and look for solutions to rectify or at least disguise the problem. If you have discovered that you have thinning hair, there are a few things that you should try.
Avoid Making it Worse
If you’ve noticed an emerging bald patch, you should try to avoid exacerbating the problem. Stopping wearing tight fitting hats is a good move since they can restrict the ability of the scalp to breathe. Avoiding tight hairstyles, braids and ponytails is also vital as they can weaken hair at the roots. It’s also important to stop smoking, eat healthily and try to reduce stress as all of these can increase the rate at which hair thins.
Use the Right Products
Heavy gels and waxes can weigh the hair down and make a bald patch more obvious. Instead, switch to volumising powders and thickening shampoos which can install additional volume in the air and disguise the thinning. A hair thickening spray is an excellent temporary solution to bald patches, since it can quickly and easily create the illusion of thicker hair, helping to restore the user’s confidence.

Use a Hair Dryer
While you may be concerned that using hot air on your hair might cause further damage, in fact a hairdryer is a great way of reducing the visibility of your bald spot. Air drying allows all of the hair strands to fall down straight, emphasising the problem, while towel-drying pulls at the roots of the hair causing further breakage. Using hot air will separate and lift the individual strands to give the illusion of extra thickness.
Have a Hair Cut
It may sound counter-intuitive to have a haircut when you are already worried about losing your hair, however a good hairdresser can help to make a bald spot less obvious. Talking to a barber or stylist about the right style for you can work wonders to improve your appearance.
Speak to a Professional
If you are looking for a medical approach to your bald patch, you should go and talk to your doctor about potential pharmaceutical solutions. There are pills and medications which may be able to help restore thinning hair, although it is important to be aware that they may have unwanted side effects. There are also other more drastic treatments to consider including laser therapies and hair transplants which could be the solution to your problem.
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