Welcome to our Hair Loss Blog


Thank you for visiting our Hair Loss Blog.

Our aim is to keep you (and ourselves) up to date on all matters related to hair loss, including the latest news and medical updates as well as providing help and hair care tips for those suffering or concerned about hair loss. Along the way we will also try to debunk some of the many myths surrounding hair loss.

Please use the menus at the top of the page to navigate different areas of interest. Our most recent posts can be found on the right hand menu or by scrolling down on mobiles.

We have tried to categorise the articles into different areas of interest and will add more categories as we grow. Feel free to leave comments and share any articles if you wish.

If there is anything in any of the articles you feel might not be correct then please contact us [email protected] and we will investigate and print a correction if warranted.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy our blog.


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