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Regain Your Crowning Glory With RESTRAND Instant Hair Thickener


Thick and lustrous locks are a wonderful example of healthy hair, and are always very much in style. Adding the use of an instant hair thickener to your hair care regime can add volume and dramatically enhance your appearance. The experts at RESTRAND understand just how important your hair is to your overall confidence and well being.

Well groomed shorter styles or long over the shoulder styles can look and feel great on both men and women. However, over time hair can start to thin and lose some of its former glory.  A combination of stress, hormonal imbalances, heath conditions and your own genetic make up, can lead to those once strong locks becoming lacklustre and limp.

Instantly Thicker Hair
Instantly Thicker Hair

Traditionally, people have spent many a lost hour trying to create extra volume using various cutting, drying and styling techniques whilst some resort to ‘combing over’ to give the impression of a thicker, fuller head of hair.

Fortunately, thanks to an innovative new formula, you can say goodbye to the blow-dries and expensive stylists and enjoy an instant boost with RESTRAND Instant Hair Thickener.  Designed to instantly improve volume and help to cover bald patches and hair loss, this miracle solution gives the appearance of thicker, fuller hair in one spray.

Instant Hair Thickener From RESTRAND

Don't fret about hair loss
Don’t fret about hair loss

As you are probably aware there are a multitude of lotions and potions available on the market, all promising to deliver glossier, healthier and fuller hair for everyone. Depending on your individual requirements, you can change the colour and texture of your hair, and even cover up the parts where the hair no longer grows.  With so much choice, you will no doubt be able to find a product that promises to change both your hair and your life!  RESTRAND Instant Hair Thickener is one of these products with the difference being that it really does work!

RESTRAND instantly transforms the appearance of thin or balding hair. 

Scientifically developed to enhance the appearance of the hair,  It will make a real difference to the overall appearance of the hair.

The advanced formula bonds to the hair shaft, making the hair thicker and more vibrant with colour. It is easy to apply and can be easily removed using warm water and shampoo.

Using RESTRAND is a quick and easy way to improve the appearance of thinning or balding hair. One application can strip years away from your appearance.

Colour Your Life With RESTRAND Instant Hair Thickener

RESTRAND comes in a variety of colours, all of which are designed to blend in with your own natural hair colour.

Don't worry about thinning hair
Don’t worry about thinning hair

RESTRAND Instant Hair Thickener is ideal for men and women of all ages, and stays in place until you choose to shampoo it away.  A simple, fast, and effective solution for hiding hair loss improving the appearance of your hair.

Look great and feel younger in one easy application.

Sold exclusively at: www.restrand.co.uk


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