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Top 5 Tips for Tackling PCOS Hair Loss
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), is a condition that affects around 1 in every 5 women within the UK. While the cause of the condition hasn’t yet been identified, experts believe that it’s centred around an abnormality in hormone levels, primarily, an increased insulin level. It is believed that the body produces higher insulin levels because PCOS suffers are very resistant to the sugar controlling ability of insulin.
Due to the higher levels of insulin, more male hormones are produced, like testosterone. There are also other factors associated with PCOS, including irregular periods and polycystic ovaries, which is where the eggs in the ovaries are surrounded by follicles and the ovary is enlarged.
The increased level of male hormones is what contributes to the hair loss suffered as a result of PCOS, with hair thinning and hair loss, both being possible. However, it’s not just hair loss that sufferers of PCOS face, but increased levels of hair growth in places like the chest and face.

Our Top 5 Tips
Along with medical treatment, making changes to your lifestyle can help to treat hair loss and other symptoms that occur in women with PCOS. We have put together 5 top tips, that can all help you to feel better and start to treat PCOS.
- Start a Daily Routine– Daily routines introduce many factors that can help to combat PCOS. Starting an exercise routine designed to reduce testosterone levels, getting the right amount of sleep to ensure that your hormone levels are regulated, and avoiding toxins in your environment that can cause a hormone imbalance, are all essential for PCOS sufferers.
- Take Care of Your Hair– While hair care is always important, it is even more so if you have PCOS. Reducing the amount of harmful hair products that you use, not washing the oils out of your hair too frequently, and completely avoiding hairstyles that mean pulling your hair back from the scalp, can help your hair to stay in better condition.
- Change Your Diet– A healthy diet leads to a healthy body. This is especially important with PCOS, as obesity can lead to even higher levels of insulin production. A healthy diet means switching to foods that are better for your body, such as foods with high protein levels and foods with healthy fats.
- Naturally Manage Your Hormone Levels– You can help manage your hormone levels with just a few changes to your lifestyle. Switching to organic food will limit the amount of toxins that you ingest through your food. Similarly, stopping smoking and excessive alcohol intake can help you to manage your hormone production.
- Regain Your Confidence with Hair Loss Spray– Stress plays a large role in the symptoms of PCOS, so minimising your exposure to stressful situations is important. However, for many, hair loss is an extremely stressful condition. Like the hair loss spray for women, there are similar products that can help you to regain your confidence, and minimise the stress of hair loss.
Learning that you have PCOS, and then having to deal with the symptoms, can be extremely hard. But with a few changes to the way you live, and with products to help you get your confidence back, PCOS can be managed.
Reach out for Support: Hair Loss Charities in the UK
Suffering from hair loss can be an incredibly stressful and worrying time. Utilizing products, like RESTRAND Instant Hair Thickening Spray, is a great way to re-build some of that confidence that may have been lost because of the thinning of your hair. But sometimes, it can be of further help to seek the support of other people that have been in a similar situation.

The UK has a wonderful network of charities that specialise in hair loss. Whether your hair loss is a result of cancer treatment or through conditions like Alopecia, it is very important to know that there are support networks out there that can help you. There is a wide selection of UK charities that you can get into contact with, some which specialise in different conditions and ages.
Charities That Support Alopecia-Related Hair Loss
Alopecia is an auto-immune disorder that affects between 1 and 2 people per 1000 people in the UK. The condition can be both temporary or permanent, and commonly occurs in people between 15 and 29 years of age. There are a number of charities that specialise in Alopecia, and the different varieties that can result in a varying degree of hair loss.
The three main Alopecia charities in the UK are:
- Alopecia Awareness
- Alopecia UK
- Alopecia World
Each charity is a little different, with Alopecia Awareness providing support groups for sufferers, Alopecia UK performing valuable research in the area of Alopecia, and Alopecia World providing an extensive support network where sufferers of hair loss can talk about their condition online. Charities like My New Hair, are also available to support both cancer-related hair loss sufferers and Alopecia sufferers, working with salons nationwide to create wigs for people that need them.
Charities That Support Cancer-Related Hair Loss
The treatment for cancer means that many people must adjust to changes with their body and the way that they feel. Hair loss can be the result of a multitude of different cancer treatments, including chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and hormonal therapy. If you have suffered from hair loss as a result of cancer treatment, or are concerned that your treatment could cause hair loss, there are multiple charities that you can reach out to.
The five main cancer-related hair loss charities in the UK are:
- Cancer Hair Care
- HeadStrong Cancer Support
- Little Princess Trust
- Hero by LPT
- Walk the Walk
HeadStrong Cancer Support and Cancer Hair Care, both provide support networks where you can talk to people and learn how to prepare for hair loss, while Walk the Walk is helping to fund hair-saving caps for cancer treatment patients. Little Princess Trust and Hero by LPT, are charities that support children undergoing cancer treatment, with Little Princess Trust supporting girls and Hero by LPT supporting boys.
Helplines That Offer Support When You Need It
Along with the support provided by UK charities, there are also helplines that specialise in giving hair loss advise. BeBold and Hairline International, are two of the helplines that can be contacted if you need support with your hair loss.
Reaching out for support during hair loss is one of the best ways to adjust to your new appearance. With products like Instant hair thickening spray available, and a great support network through UK charities, there is no reason you should have to combat your condition alone.
Campaigning for Change: The MHRA and Counterfeit Treatments
These days, it’s near impossible to spend time browsing websites, or even social media, without encountering an advert that is claiming something extraordinary. These span from wonder treatments that will cause you to lose weight rapidly, to those that promise a hair loss treatment that will leave you with a full head of hair in weeks. Today, it is harder than ever to separate fact from fiction.
Many of these adverts look very professional, with medical backing and ‘examples’ of how the treatment has worked for some people. However, in many cases, these treatments are counterfeit, or the product has been compromised. Designed to look appealing to customers who are seeking a way to save a bit of money, but instead leaving them out of pocket and in a potentially harmful position.
The main defence that UK customers have against these kinds of products, is the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). In the past, the agency has primarily worked behind the scenes; identifying and seizing counterfeit products, and warning the public of scams. But, as the world of counterfeit treatments continues to grow, they have brought their Fake Meds campaign to the public for a second year.

Putting a Stop to Counterfeit Hair Loss Treatments
There are many official products on the market that offer treatments for hair loss, such as Instant Hair Thickener, that is proven to work and comes from a reputable company. However, there is also a large number of fake products that customers in the UK need to be made aware of. Every year, the MHRA is responsible for stopping the supply of an extensive range of different fake treatments.
In 2016, in excess of 100,000 doses of erectile disfunction medication that was unlicensed, was seized from a man in London. This was in addition to even more prescription medication. The man received an imprisonment sentence of 20 months and was also ordered to pay surcharges.
Another case, also from 2016, saw a man in Tooting imprisoned for 4 years for multiple offences. These included money laundering, but also the sale and importation of unlicensed medication. Amongst the medication were quantities of erectile disfunction medication and medication for the treatment of hair loss, some of which was counterfeit.
Supporting the Fake Meds Campaign
One of the best ways to help stop the sale of counterfeit medication, is to support the Fake Meds campaign, which uses the hashtag #FakeMeds. Along with safety tips, the campaign has introduced a yellow card system that allows the public to inform the MHRA of concerns over counterfeit medication that they may have bought. Through their website, you can check if a service that you’re considering using is registered, report suspicious suppliers, and inform them of side effects that you believe have been caused because of counterfeit medication.
The sale of counterfeit, compromised, or unlicensed medication, not only poses a risk to the public through ineffective results, but can cause a wide range of further medical issues. If you’re looking for hair loss treatment, like restrand instant hair thickener, then buying from a company that is trusted, is incredibly important.
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