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Going Bald Gracefully – How Hair Loss Didn’t Stop Some Of The Greatest Men In History


Because not all men are genetically blessed with a full head of hair, going bald is simply a fact of life for many.

If you are facing baldness in the not too distant future, remember that you are not the only one.  For whatever reason, society seems to view receding hair lines, bald spots or a lack of hair as something to be feared.  But why so? Some of the most famous and revered men in history also lost their locks over time, and it certainly didn’t hold them back.

Let’s have a lighthearted look at some of the most famous men throughout history, who never let their hair (or lack of it) stop them from changing the world.

Mahatma Gandhi

As the leader of the Indian independence movements of the 1930s and 1940s, Gandhi gave powerful speeches and led a nation to political revolution.  Famous for encouraging nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience, he changed the fortunes of many of the Indian people forever, and inspired future generations of activists. He often shaved his hair as a young man, but soon enough he went bald naturally.



William Shakespeare 

One of the most famous writers of all time, he suffered from a receding hairline from very early on.  Usually pictured with as much hair as he could muster  (as long hair was the trend in those days), his pesky follicles appear to have given up the ghost around the front of his forehead.  But who needs a full head of hair for writing?  Apparently the Bard didn’t, as he still wrote over  37 plays and 154 sonnets throughout his life time.


Charles Darwin


Whilst it is possible that his giant and super-clever brain pushed out the hair to make way for more great philosophical ideas, it is more likely that he just suffered from a touch of baldness. The godfather of evolution, Darwin inspired some of our greatest minds despite suffering from severe male pattern baldness from his 30’s onwards. He did, however, always sport a mighty beard!




Winston Churchill

Undoubtedly one of the greatest Prime Ministers ever, Churchill steered the British people through some difficult times. His lack of hair never discouraged him from leading his people, and most of Europe, to glory. He famously once said  “A man of my limited resources cannot presume to have a hairstyle. Get on and cut it.” Not only did he not mind losing his hair, it seems like he was only too keen to get rid of it as soon as possible.


Mikhail Gorbachev

Alongside his American counterpart, Gorbachev helped to end the Cold War and halted the threat of nuclear destruction during the 1980’s.  He is also a Nobel prize winner, and was involved in the destruction of the Berlin Wall.  A man of many talents, he has never let his absent hairline hold him back.  Sporting tufts of hair toward the back of his head, the Russian president was a major player during some of the most turbulent times in modern history.


So you see, you really can still be bald and bold!

However, If you feel that your lack of hair is holding you back from greatness, there are ways to give you the appearance of a fuller, thicker head of hair in one quick and easy step.  RESTRAND Hair Loss Concealer will make you look and feel younger.  Available in a wide range of colours, and super easy to apply, RESTRAND Hair Loss Concealer will make you feel ready to take on the world once again.





A Hair Spray To Help You To Look Young Again…


Going bald or losing hair is a natural part of growing old.  Whilst it is nothing to be ashamed of, some people do not feel comfortable as they start to thin out on top.  With confidence receding as quickly as your hairline, it is totally normal to look for hair loss concealers that can help to disguise your fading follicles.

Here at RESTRAND, we understand just how wonderful a full head of hair can make you feel.  You will look and feel younger. Our brand leading hair loss concealer can help to hide any bald spots or areas of thinning, leaving you feeling youthful and confident once again.

Picture Of A Smiley Happy Woman
Look And Feel Better

Don’t Hide, Disguise!

Losing your hair can make you feel reluctant to get dressed up, and may even see you hiding away from social gatherings or special occasions.  With our uniquely formulated hair loss concealer, we can give you back the confidence you need to live life to the full again.

As a quick and easy temporary cover for thinning hair or bald patches, our hair loss concealer allows you to apply a perfectly matched formula to the existing hair, giving seamless coverage for the whole head.

Disguising any area that makes your feel uncomfortable will instantly give you the boost you need to feel good about your hair.

How Does Our Hair Loss Concealer Work?

Our proven scientific formula gives a fine coating to each hair, which can be applied and built up to your exact requirements. Our hair loss concealer is available in a wide range of colours, you should have no problem finding the perfect tone to match your shade.

Applied to the hair using a spray, the preparation is so easy to use that it will quickly blend in to your everyday routine.  Or, save your hair loss concealer for times that require that extra “wow” factor.

Use RESTRAND To Help Rebuild Your Confidence

RESTRAND hair loss concealer will instantly make your hair look thicker and fuller, helping to conceal areas of hair loss or thinning hair.  Scientifically proven, the formula contains an undetectable liquid-talc, which dries almost instantly to cling to your follicles and thus alleviating the appearance of fine or thinning hair.

The result is a new, completely undetectable, fuller head of hair.  No one need know that you are using this innovative hair loss concealer, as the colour will match perfectly to your existing shade. In fact, we offer more colours and shades than any other hair loss concealer on the market today, so you will find the exact colour to perfectly suit your needs.

Don’t feel discouraged by thinning hair, or ashamed of your bald patches.  RESTRAND can breathe new life into your tired hair and give you back the thicker and fuller locks you so desire, quickly and easily.

Worried About Thinning Hair? Try Our Instant Hair Thickening Spray For Great Results

Sometimes you just want to feel good about the way you look.  As youth passes us by, it doesn’t mean our desire to look a million dollars also falls by the wayside.  Life takes its toll on the mind and the body, but with a little help from the innovative RESTRAND Instant Hair Thickening Spray, your hair needn’t show any signs of ageing.

Why Does Hair Thin Over Time?

A variety of factors can all contribute to thinning hair, and in some cases, even a complete loss.  Your own personal genetics, your diet, hormones and health can all effect the way your crowning glory looks and feels.  Bald patches or thin spots can make us feel self-conscious,  leaving us wanting to cover up and not draw attention to our locks.  With the help of a top quality product like RESTRAND Instant Hair Thickening Spray, your hair can help you to look and feel young again.

There is nothing unusual about losing hair, and we all lose some on a daily basis. In fact, the average adult can lose as many as 100 hairs a day, most of these coming away when we brush or wash our hair.  That figure pales into insignificance though, when you consider that the average adult has as many as 150,000 hairs on their head at any one time.

But, if you are losing hair faster than it is regrowing, or are suffering from a condition or affliction that prevents hair from growing back, you may quickly start to notice the cumulative effect of daily hair loss.  This may make you feel concerned about your appearance.  If this is the case,  you need a fast and effective solution that really works.

Instant Hair Thickening Spray
Instant Hair Thickening Spray

How Can A Hair Thickening Spray Help?

As the UK’s best selling hair thickening product, RESTRAND Instant Hair Thickening Spray has been scientifically developed to enhance the appearance of thinning hair and offers seamless coverage for bald patches and thinning hair.  The easy to use formula instantly adds texture and thickness, making your hair look full and lustrous once again.

The formula is suitable for both men and women and instantly thickens the hair, regardless of the hair type, style or length.  It also comes in a variety of shades offering invisible coverage for increased confidence.

The spray is incredibly easy to use and is applied to dry hair.  By simply building up the application you can find the right level of coverage to suit your individual requirements.  The Instant Hair Thickening Spray is versatile and effective enough to be used on any bald patch or area of thinning hair.

Designed to “plump” the hair using a proven scientific formula, RESTRAND Hair Thickening Spray finely coats the hairs to add the appearance of increased volume and fullness.

Safe, fast and effective – Instant Hair Thickening Spray from RESTRAND can change the way you look and feel in mere moments.   So what are you waiting for?  Get ahead of the competition with a fuller looking head of hair.  Our products have been tried and tested by men and women of all ages, all of whom are delighted by the results and are always happy to tell us so.

Ever Considered Using An Instant Hair Loss Concealer? Here’s 5 Reasons Why You Should


Losing you hair can make you feel wary and self conscious. Many of us don’t really worry too much about our hair until we start to lose it, making us all the more aware of the toll that time can take on our looks.  Products like the Instant Hair Loss Concealer from leading UK brand, RESTRAND, can help to enhance the look and feel of your hair, giving you a real boost in confidence and helping your hair to once again become your crowning glory.

Not convinced that an instant hair loss concealer will work for you?  Here’s 5 great reasons why it will:

1.  RESTRAND Hair Loss Concealer offers a fast, effective solution to thinning hair

Because you only need to spray the concealer in the areas that are of concern to you, there is no need to worry about full head applications.  Simply place the nozzle a short distance from your head, and build up the product on the existing hair until you are happy with the overall appearance.

Home hair loss remedies don’t come any easier to use than RESTRAND’s Hair Loss Concealer, and the formula can be used as often as you feel you need to.

2.  RESTRAND Hair Loss Concealer offers a perfect match for your hair colour

The unique Hair Loss Concealer comes in a wide variety of colours, meaning that you will have no problem finding the right shade to match your existing tones.  Once applied, the product offers an invisible solution to users looking to enhance the appearance of fuller, thicker hair or to cover up bald spots.  The formula blends with and matches completely with your hair, so you won’t have any obvious patches or mismatched colour spots.

If for any reason you are unsure of which colour to choose, our helpful and friendly team are on hand to help advise you.

3.  RESTRAND Hair Loss Concealer offers durable protection

Designed to withstand the rigours of daily life, the formula can remain in your hair until you choose to wash it out.  Easy to apply and simple to remove using shampoo and water, RESTRAND instantly changes the appearance of your hair for as long as you need it to.

4.  RESTRAND is suitable for both men and women

Whatever your style, age or hair type, RESTRAND offers you a fast and effective way to look and feel young again.  The proven formula is suited just as well to short hair styles as it is to longer ones, and given the wide choice of colours available, you should be able to find a seamless match for your existing colour.

5.  RESTRAND can take years off your appearance in just a few moments 

Turn back time with an instant hair loss concealer that really works.  We are the UK’s leading supplier of Instant Hair Loss Concealer products and have helped many, many satisfied customers to feel great again.  A full head of hair will not only make you look younger, it will also help you feel confident and reinvigorated, once again.

Instant Hair Loss Concealer
Instant Hair Loss Concealer

Is my hairstyle contributing to my hair loss?

When people discover that they have thinning hair, many have probably never considered the fact that their hairstyle could be the cause. While in some cases hair loss is natural and cannot be prevented, in others a change of hairstyle could help to slow the process down or even bring it to a halt altogether.

Young man thinking about this hair style
Young man thinking about this hair style

Certain hairstyles are known to cause traction alopecia, a condition which is caused by ongoing gentle pulling on the roots of the hair. Traction alopecia is not something that happens overnight, and it can take some time before the sufferer notices that their hair is starting to thin. Tight hairstyles which are worn regularly such as ponytails, braids and cornrows are well known to cause this problem, and should be avoided by anyone who has noticed that they are experiencing hair loss. By wearing hair in a loose style, further hair loss may be prevented and the hair will have time to repair itself.

Meanwhile, if you have noticed thinning hair, there are some tips and tricks that you can use to disguise the problem.

  • Keep it ѕhоrt. Long hаіrѕtуlеѕ tend tо рull thе hаіr dоwn сlоѕе to thе ѕсаlр, which саn make іt all tоо obvious thаt thеrе іѕn’t a lоt of hаіr to dеаl wіth. On top оf thаt, thіnnіng hair оftеn lооkѕ ѕtrаgglу аnd unkеmрt іf іt is kерt tоо long. Shоrtеr cuts, on thе оthеr hand, can gіvе thе іlluѕіоn оf thісknеѕѕ. There are many styles which work well for thіnnіng hаіr ѕо уоu wіll hаvе a lаrgе vаrіеtу tо choose from. Be sure to choose a cut thаt соmрlіmеntѕ your fасіаl structure аnd has a lоt of movement.
  • Plumр wіth hаіr соlоur. Hair соlоur іѕ one оf thе fеw сhеmісаl ѕеrvісеѕ that ѕtуlіѕtѕ can uѕе on сlіеntѕ wіth thinning аnd frаgіlе hair wіthоut causing brеаkаgе. In fасt, thе рrосеѕѕ of colouring hair рlumрѕ uр еасh individual hair strand to make іt appear thісkеr. In addition, uѕіng соlоurіng techniques thаt infuse different lеvеlѕ оf lowlights аnd hіghlіghtѕ іntо уоur hair tаkеѕ аttеntіоn оff уоur ѕсаlр аnd оntо your beautifully coloured hаіr.
  • Stуlе wіth a ѕоft сurl and thе right рrоduсtѕ. Sоftly curled аnd full-bоdіеd ѕtуlеѕ gеntlу lіft уоur hаіr uр from your ѕсаlр giving thе appearance оf hаvіng thick, luѕh hаіr. Alѕо, hаіr thісkеnіng ѕhаmрооѕ, соndіtіоnеrѕ аnd styling products can help. But bеfоrе buуіng products thаt сlаіm tо make your hair thісkеr, be ѕurе tо get уоur stylist’s аррrоvаl. Many products оn thе mаrkеt ѕіmрlу саuѕе buіld uр tо mаkе hаіr арреаr thісkеr іnіtіаllу, but that buіld uр wіll eventually саuѕе a grеаt dеаl оf breakage аnd damage.

Thе number оf men аnd wоmеn suffering frоm hair lоѕѕ has been steadily rіѕіng over thе уеаrѕ аnd аlthоugh thеrе hаvе bееn advancements such as hair transplants, these treatments can be extremely expensive. One effective and affordable solution is to use a hаіr lоѕѕ соnсеаlеr ѕрrау. Hаіr lоѕѕ concealer sprays are considered to be one оf thе fаѕtеѕt, еаѕіеѕt аnd mоѕt аffоrdаblе options thаt уоu саn use, and since they are ѕаfеr thаn many оf thе pharmaceutical products that you can аррlу or tаkе оrаllу, they rаrеlу cause аnу allergic оr adverse rеасtіоnѕ. Thеу аrе an excellent way to disguise your hаіr loss and to restore your confidence.

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