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7 Natural Ways To Help Prevent Hair Loss

Healthier Hair = Happier You
Healthier Hair = Happier You

Not all hair loss is irreversible. Sometimes, the foods we eat, the way we live and the amount of stress we deal with on a daily basis can effect the look and feel of our hair.  While some conditions, including simply getting older, will mean that some hair loss is inevitable, keeping well and adding extra nutrients to our bodies can help to prevent or delay hair loss however old we are.

If you are concerned about your hair thinning, excessive hair loss or bald spots you should visit your doctor or dermatologist to rule our any underlying causes or conditions.  If however, you are just looking for natural ways to improve the look and condition of your hair, try these 7 natural ways to prevent hair loss today.


1.Eat A Healthy Diet

We all know that enjoying a balanced diet can help prevent weight gain and certain medical conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes, but we often overlook the fact that they way we eat also effects our hair.  Fresh fruit and vegetables, pulses and lean meats all include a variety of wonderfully beneficial, naturally occurring nutrients.  These include Iron, B Vitamins, Copper, Zinc, Sulphur and Vitamin C, which are all essential for healthy looking hair. Leafy green vegetables, blackcurrants, blueberries, oranges, strawberries and sweet potatoes are all readily available and do wonders for you hair.  So too does fish that is rich in Omega-3, like salmon and sardines.

2.Stay Stress-Free

Whilst thats not always entirely possible, ensuring that you get enough rest and “down time” from the strains of day to day life can help to prevent the damaging effects of stress on our skin and hair.  Stress promotes hair loss, and can lead to conditions like Telogen Effluvium, where the roots can be pushed prematurely into a resting state, causing hair loss and thinning.  Usually seen in women after pregnancy, extreme weight loss or a “shock” to the system, the condition doesn’t last forever and the hair will eventually grow back and fill out in time.

3.Look After Your Scalp

We spend much of our lives worrying about the way our hair looks, but then forget to consider the health of our scalps.  A nourished scalp is a healthy base for hair follicles to grow and flourish.  A scalp that is suffering from dandruff, infections or lesions, will cause hair to “die” early and fall out, leading to significant hair loss. Remember to treat your scalp well, and repair any damage using the appropriate medication.

4.Avoid Over Medicating

This is not always possible as some medications that can cause hair loss are actually vital for easing certain conditions and diseases.  Some acne medications, antibiotics, anti-fungal  creams, antidepressants, oral contraceptives, blood thinners and cholesterol-lowering medications however, can display hair loss as a side effect of continual use.  If you need to take your medication then that is clearly a priority.  But in some cases, natural alternatives can prove to be just as effective, without hair loss side effects as an additional concern.

5.Be Gentle With Your Hair

Years of constantly pulling and poking at our hair to achieve fabulous looking hairstyles will damage the hair over time. We know it is important to look and feel great, but too much over working of the hair can lead to excessive hair loss.  Losing a few strands here and there is normal and part of the natural cycle of the follicles, but continual loss, or clumps after brushing could be caused by traction alopecia, a direct result of over-styling or over-brushing your hair.  Try to keep you hair loosely tied back, or hanging free, and avoid tightly pulled ponytails or hairstyles secured with elastic hair bands.

6.Avoid Using Too Much Heat

Hair straighteners, curling wands and other electrical styling aids all heat the hair to achieve their desired look.  While occasional use will probably not make a big difference to your hair, daily or continual use will be detrimental to it.  Heat causes hair to burn, snap and split and can lead to hair thinning or even hair loss over time.

7.Add Some Instant Volume When You need To 

If thinning hair is causing you concern about the way you look, you can use a specially designed product to help boost its appearance, as and when you need to. An Instant Hair Loss Concealer for example, coats each strand to give the appearance of fuller and thicker hair, without weighing it down.  This is a temporary measure that can be used as frequently as you need to.  Easy to rinse out by simply using shampoo, products like RESTRAND Instant Hair Loss Concealer allow you to maintain a healthy regime for your hair, with the addition of instant volume and coverage, as and when you need it.

Top 5 Tips for Tackling PCOS Hair Loss

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), is a condition that affects around 1 in every 5 women within the UK. While the cause of the condition hasn’t yet been identified, experts believe that it’s centred around an abnormality in hormone levels, primarily, an increased insulin level. It is believed that the body produces higher insulin levels because PCOS suffers are very resistant to the sugar controlling ability of insulin.

Due to the higher levels of insulin, more male hormones are produced, like testosterone. There are also other factors associated with PCOS, including irregular periods and polycystic ovaries, which is where the eggs in the ovaries are surrounded by follicles and the ovary is enlarged.

The increased level of male hormones is what contributes to the hair loss suffered as a result of PCOS, with hair thinning and hair loss, both being possible. However, it’s not just hair loss that sufferers of PCOS face, but increased levels of hair growth in places like the chest and face.

PCOS and hair loss
PCOS and hair loss

Our Top 5 Tips

Along with medical treatment, making changes to your lifestyle can help to treat hair loss and other symptoms that occur in women with PCOS. We have put together 5 top tips, that can all help you to feel better and start to treat PCOS.

  1. Start a Daily Routine– Daily routines introduce many factors that can help to combat PCOS. Starting an exercise routine designed to reduce testosterone levels, getting the right amount of sleep to ensure that your hormone levels are regulated, and avoiding toxins in your environment that can cause a hormone imbalance, are all essential for PCOS sufferers.


  1. Take Care of Your Hair– While hair care is always important, it is even more so if you have PCOS. Reducing the amount of harmful hair products that you use, not washing the oils out of your hair too frequently, and completely avoiding hairstyles that mean pulling your hair back from the scalp, can help your hair to stay in better condition.


  1. Change Your Diet– A healthy diet leads to a healthy body. This is especially important with PCOS, as obesity can lead to even higher levels of insulin production. A healthy diet means switching to foods that are better for your body, such as foods with high protein levels and foods with healthy fats.


  1. Naturally Manage Your Hormone Levels– You can help manage your hormone levels with just a few changes to your lifestyle. Switching to organic food will limit the amount of toxins that you ingest through your food. Similarly, stopping smoking and excessive alcohol intake can help you to manage your hormone production.


  1. Regain Your Confidence with Hair Loss Spray– Stress plays a large role in the symptoms of PCOS, so minimising your exposure to stressful situations is important. However, for many, hair loss is an extremely stressful condition. Like the hair loss spray for women, there are similar products that can help you to regain your confidence, and minimise the stress of hair loss.

Learning that you have PCOS, and then having to deal with the symptoms, can be extremely hard. But with a few changes to the way you live, and with products to help you get your confidence back, PCOS can be managed.

The Link Between Diabetes and Hair Loss

Although losing your hair is often seen as just a sign of ageing, it can also be linked to health problems such as diabetes. Almost a quarter of all cases of diabetes are undiagnosed, and therefore people who are experiencing hair loss may either be suffering from this underlying medical condition, or from insulin resistance or pre-diabetes, both of which are precursors to Type II Diabetes.

Diabetes and hair loss
Diabetes and hair loss

Why Does Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?

Research has shown that not only can diabetes slow down the growth rate of the hair, but it can also result in excessive hair shedding. There are several reasons why diabetes results in hair shedding including:

  • Hormonal imbalances – fluctuating levels can negatively affect the hair follicles’ regeneration process
  • Poor blood circulation – if blood cannot effectively reach the scalp, it may fail to receive the essential nutrients to keep it healthy resulting in hair loss
  • Impaired immune system – as high levels of blood sugar can affect the immune system, sufferers may be more likely to catch infections and then struggle to fight them. Infections may disrupt the cycle of hair growth and result in thinning
  • Physical stress
  • Emotional stress
  • Medications – some types of drugs can result in hair loss
  • Thyroid disease – many diabetes sufferers have thyroid disease too which can cause hair loss
  • Weight loss – when patients are diagnosed as having diabetes, a healthy diet together with more exercise will be recommended by the doctor. This may be result in weight loss which can then sometimes prompt hair loss.

What Action to Take

Should diabetes be the sole cause of hair loss, it may just be a temporary issue. Once you begin treatment, your hormones will begin to function properly once more and the cycle of hair growth will return back to normal, albeit potentially with a slower growth rate.

However, if you are still concerned or are looking for a way to address the problem in the meantime, there are several steps you should take.

  • Discuss the problem with your doctor as they will be able to determine the cause and tell you whether it is solely because of diabetes or whether there are other factors at play.
  • Reduce stress in your life as much as possible.
  • Eat a healthy diet and include foods which are known to boost hair growth.
  • Talk to your doctor about the medication you are taking if you are concerned that the hair loss could be a side effect. You may be able to change your drugs or take a different dose.
  • Ask your doctor whether you should take a biotin supplement as those who suffer from diabetes often have a low level of biotin.
  • Exercise more as this will lower levels of blood sugar and improve oxygen delivery to the cells and the hair follicles themselves to prompt hair growth.
  • If you are experiencing severe hair loss, your doctor may be able to prescribe a pharmaceutical treatment.
  • Use a hair loss concealer spray which will disguise your hair loss and give your hair a fuller and thicker appearance.


If you are experiencing hair loss and have not yet been diagnosed with diabetes, you should visit your GP for testing. The more quickly you are diagnosed and treated the healthier you will be and the faster your hair loss will be rectified.

Top Tips to Keep Your Hair in Good Shape

Are you wondering how you can keep your hair looking its best? If you’re suffering from hair loss, there are several things that you can do to control and reduce the problem. Here are some top tips for keeping your hair in good shape.

Egg Wash

Although an egg wash sounds rather unpleasant, it leaves hair looking healthy and shiny and feeling great. Simply break a couple of eggs, whisk and then apply to the hair. Leave for a couple of minutes and then rinse off. Thanks to the protein in the egg, your hair will start to feel and look healthier and thicker.

Egg wash for hair
Egg wash for hair

Enjoy Antioxidant Rich Food

Antioxidants have been found to have many benefits for your body, and one of those is reducing the chances of hair loss since they can combat the free radicals which damage cells, including those in the hair follicles. There are many foods which are rich in antioxidants including oranges, honey, lemon and bananas. While you could eat them, you can also rub them onto the scalp.


Massage is a great way to boost blood circulation, and since one cause of hair loss is reduced blood circulation to your scalp, massaging it is one way to treat the problem. Using a lukewarm coconut or almond oil will achieve the best result.

Eat Healthily

While you include plenty of antioxidant rich foods in your diet, you also need to ensure that you are eating healthy on a daily basis. Eating balanced meals and limited processed foods is important, and including plenty of nuts and seeds will help to improve your hair’s health.

Avoid Brushing Wet Hair

When you have wet hair, avoid using a hairbrush and switch to using a wide-toothed comb instead. Brushing hair while it is wet can damage it, leading to more breakage and shedding.

Try Natural Remedies

Although natural remedies aren’t a lot of use for curing hair loss, they can be useful in keeping hair healthy. Vinegar is an excellent treatment for dandruff while green tea applied to the scalp can help to reduce shedding.

 Boost Your Vitamin Intake

Taking vitamins A, B and E can help to improve your hair by increasing the production of sebum, boosting blood circulation and helping hair to stay a healthy colour.

Live Healthily

Living a healthy lifestyle will help to keep your hair healthy too. Stopping smoking, cutting the amount of alcohol you drink and reducing stress are all key to preventing excessive hair loss.


Water is vital for the cells to stay healthy and this includes your hair follicle cells, so make sure you drink lots of water every day.

If you are concerned about your thinning hair, you should seek advice from a medical professional. Meanwhile, if you are embarrassed about emerging bald patches, you could try an instant hair thickening spray to conceal thinning areas and to restore the appearance of a thick and full head of hair.

Foods That Fight Hair Loss

Hair loss can happen for a huge range of reasons and can feel like the end of the world. Changing your diet can help prevent hair loss as well as actively encourage hair growth.

I’ve found some great additions to your diet that will help give your hair and scalp the boost they need…

Leafy Greens

A lack of iron in your diet may be the cause of hair loss! Luckily, leafy greens such as spinach are packed with the stuff. Spinach also contains a chemical called sebum which nourishes the scalp and helps keep hair healthy.

Add spinach or kale to curries, salads and morning smoothies for a boost in iron.

Food for hair loss
Food for hair loss


Nuts, such as walnuts and hazelnuts, contain lots of Vitamin E, which nourishes hair and encourages growth. By adding more nuts to your diet, your hair should improve in condition. These also help prevent hair fall as they strengthen existing hair.

Make a trail mix with nuts, seeds and dried fruit for a healthy and hair-friendly snack.


Dairy products contain lots of protein, which is needed to ensure healthy hair. Add in more milk, eggs, and cheese and your hair will quickly become stronger. The protein allows your hair to strengthen and makes it less likely to snap or fall.

‘Proteins are the building blocks of life’ – anyone else having a college flashback?

Eggs are really easy to add to most breakfast choices, and keep you feeling full for a long time.

Tofu and Quorn

Don’t worry, vegan friends – I’ve got your back! You can get your protein from meals containing tofu, Quorn or tempeh. Soya contains heaps of protein without the added calories of most dairy products. Again, this will help keep your hair healthy and less likely to fall out.

Tofu curries and Quorn mince are great places to start if you fancy a dairy-free protein boost.


Again, it’s all about protein when it comes to healthy hair. Chicken is full of protein and it’s pretty easy to add to your meal, too. The protein will help your hair become nice and strong, making it less likely to break or fall.

Make yourself a whole plate of goodness and go for chicken, leafy greens, and boiled eggs. Easy!


Another vegan and veggie-friendly option here. Pulses such as chickpeas, lentils, and quinoa are not only great for your general health, but will help your hair and scalp, too.

I love these options as they help to pad out meals as well. If you’re worried about being hungry after a big bowl of kale and chickpeas, don’t, as pulses are really filling!

Quinoa makes a great addition to salads; or try dahl or chickpea curry to get those pulses in your meals…


A slightly more exciting option for you now… Fresh fruit is always going to be good for you, and this one is great for maintaining, or getting, a healthy head of hair.

The Vitamin C that strawberries are full of will help nourish your hair. The better condition your hair is in, the less likely it is to break or fall.

Delicious fresh, in smoothies or alongside dessert, strawberries boost your hair health. And taste delicious!


… and lemons, limes, and any other citrusy fruit! While we’re on the note of Vitamin C, I couldn’t exactly miss these out.

Not only do citrus fruits help to boost your immune system, they’re really helpful in keeping your hair and scalp healthy. This vitamin works to strengthen hair, making it less likely to break and fall.

Again, great to eat on their own, oranges also taste delicious when freshly-squeezed.


Guavas actually contain more Vitamin C than oranges – around four times more, in fact! Guavas are a delicious tropical fruit that can be found in most stores at the right time of year

While a little pricier than oranges, I’d suggest incorporating these into your diet every so often for an extra, very tasty, boost.

Enjoy guavas fresh, or blend into smoothies or juices.


Salmon is packed full of Omega-3s, which are really important to our body and its ability to function. Sadly, our bodies don’t produce this naturally, so we have to make sure we’re getting plenty of it through our diet.

Not only do they act as an anti-inflammatory (which can help with the root cause of some hair loss), they keep hair shiny and healthy.

Salmon is a great source of Omega-3s and the good kind of fat, so treat yourself once in a while.


Spices are great for our bodies in general, as they boost our metabolism and improve blood circulation.

The more blood flow to our scalps, the better condition our hair will be in. A higher metabolism is really good for our general health and can help aid healthy weight-loss.

Sprinkle cinnamon on your oatmeal or add some extra chilli to your curry and enjoy the benefits.

It can sometimes go over our heads that the food we eat doesn’t just affect our bodies but our hair, too.

We tend to get taught about food in terms of calories and fat content, and it’s nearly always in relation to our weight. What we eat actually has a huge impact on our skin, hair, and nails, too.

Luckily, there are lots of foods we can eat that are really, really good for our body – every single inch of it!


Hi, I’m Lucy and I’m currently traveling around South-East Asia with my trusty yoga mat. I love finding healthy, eco-friendly ways to improve my well-being, even more of a challenge whilst on the road. When I’m not on the move, I’m writing for SleepHealthEnergy.com (https://www.sleephealthenergy.com/), your one-stop shop for everything related to getting a great night’s sleep, enjoying optimum health and having buckets of energy. Follow along on Twitter (https://twitter.com/sleephealthnrg).

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