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Worried About Thinning Hair? Try Our Instant Hair Thickening Spray For Great Results

Sometimes you just want to feel good about the way you look.  As youth passes us by, it doesn’t mean our desire to look a million dollars also falls by the wayside.  Life takes its toll on the mind and the body, but with a little help from the innovative RESTRAND Instant Hair Thickening Spray, your hair needn’t show any signs of ageing.

Why Does Hair Thin Over Time?

A variety of factors can all contribute to thinning hair, and in some cases, even a complete loss.  Your own personal genetics, your diet, hormones and health can all effect the way your crowning glory looks and feels.  Bald patches or thin spots can make us feel self-conscious,  leaving us wanting to cover up and not draw attention to our locks.  With the help of a top quality product like RESTRAND Instant Hair Thickening Spray, your hair can help you to look and feel young again.

There is nothing unusual about losing hair, and we all lose some on a daily basis. In fact, the average adult can lose as many as 100 hairs a day, most of these coming away when we brush or wash our hair.  That figure pales into insignificance though, when you consider that the average adult has as many as 150,000 hairs on their head at any one time.

But, if you are losing hair faster than it is regrowing, or are suffering from a condition or affliction that prevents hair from growing back, you may quickly start to notice the cumulative effect of daily hair loss.  This may make you feel concerned about your appearance.  If this is the case,  you need a fast and effective solution that really works.

Instant Hair Thickening Spray
Instant Hair Thickening Spray

How Can A Hair Thickening Spray Help?

As the UK’s best selling hair thickening product, RESTRAND Instant Hair Thickening Spray has been scientifically developed to enhance the appearance of thinning hair and offers seamless coverage for bald patches and thinning hair.  The easy to use formula instantly adds texture and thickness, making your hair look full and lustrous once again.

The formula is suitable for both men and women and instantly thickens the hair, regardless of the hair type, style or length.  It also comes in a variety of shades offering invisible coverage for increased confidence.

The spray is incredibly easy to use and is applied to dry hair.  By simply building up the application you can find the right level of coverage to suit your individual requirements.  The Instant Hair Thickening Spray is versatile and effective enough to be used on any bald patch or area of thinning hair.

Designed to “plump” the hair using a proven scientific formula, RESTRAND Hair Thickening Spray finely coats the hairs to add the appearance of increased volume and fullness.

Safe, fast and effective – Instant Hair Thickening Spray from RESTRAND can change the way you look and feel in mere moments.   So what are you waiting for?  Get ahead of the competition with a fuller looking head of hair.  Our products have been tried and tested by men and women of all ages, all of whom are delighted by the results and are always happy to tell us so.

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