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The top men’s hairstyles to hide thinning hair 2017

It can be a pain to style your hair if you have suffered from excessive hair loss. However, you do not want to have to settle for a hairstyle that is not fashionable or flattering for you just because of a few problem areas. That’s why we have compiled a list of men’s hairstyles that are trending for 2017 but are also ideal for concealing any bald patches:

Short and textured

man with short and textured hairstyle
Man with short and textured hairstyle

Perfect for men who have bald patches at the front of the head, beyond a receding hairline. A classic style that is ideal for any men dealing with thinning hair is the short and textured style. The ‘messy’ style gives the illusion that you have more hair on the top because of the added volume. Whilst the shortness of the hair will make the hair feel thicker.

A texturing product that is run through the hair will create a textured look. If your hair is naturally straight, try spiking it a little with a very small amount of

Parted fringe

Daniel Craig sporting a side parting
Daniel Craig sporting a side parting


Sported by the likes of Ryan Gosling and Daniel Craig, the parted fringe is perfect for men who have a receding hairline and want a classic look. Ensure to grow your hair longer on the top and keep the sides and back short to make this style work to your advantage. The idea with this hairstyle is to wear your hair forward to conceal the hairline. It is best to use a lightweight product to hold the style in place without weighing it down.

The Fade

young man with a hair fade
young man with a hair fade

Perfect for men who still have hair at the front but are noticing the first signs of thinning hair. Additionally, a good option for men who have jobs where they can show off their creative

An undercut or fade will make the hair on the top look more prominent, due to the contrast from the shorter back and sides. You will need hair of medium length to see the full potential of this hairstyle. Start by combing the hair on the top across to the opposite side to create maximum fullness, top this off with adding volumising powder at the roots to add in extra fullness.

Swept back

Man with swept back hair
Man with swept back hair


Perfect for men who are dealing with any balding around the crown of their head. This slick, swept back hairstyle is super stylish and great at taking the focus away from the bald patch. It is best to keep your fringe a lot longer, with a shorter length for the back and sides, to complete this look. This hairstyle works because it will create some height at the front, extending all the way back to the crown of the head, using the longer hair at the front to hide the thinning at the

You will need to create volume in your fringe to make this hairstyle; this can be done using a hair dryer that you can use to help structure the look. You will also need a styling paste to secure the style in

To ensure extra coverage for your new-do, why not purchase our hair loss concealer, UK based products? Our products are designed to naturally conceal any balding patches to leave you with a seamless look you will be happy to show off.


Image credits: discutivo

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