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How Does Winter Effect Hair Loss?

There has been a long held belief that people tend to lose more hair in the winter, so as the colder weather is just around the corner, it can be a worrying time for those who have concerns about thinning locks.

Although the idea that cold weather promotes hair loss continues to persist, lower temperatures in themselves do not have any effect on the amount of hair that is shed. In fact, studies have shown that people often lose least hair during the colder months. However, there are other factors at play which cause excess hair loss at this time of year.

Winter hair care
Winter hair care

The environmental changes that we experience during the winter can dehydrate the scalp – we are moving from a cold outdoor environment into the centrally heated indoor environment and the result of these rapid changes is a dry scalp paired with brittle hair. This damage is then exacerbated by wearing a hat, as the friction and stress on the strands of hair could end up causing clumps of hair to fall out.

Looking after your hair in winter

Taking proper care of your hair during the winter is very important to prevent the damage which can result in hair loss. Ensuring the scalp and hair remain well moisturised is key, and using a rich conditioner at least once per week is a good way to help minimise any damage. A shampoo which contains natural essential oils and shea butter, and which has no alcohol or harmful chemicals will help to guard against dry, frizzy hair which is prone to breakage, giving you the best possible chance to reduce the amount of hair lost during the colder months.

Another issue which may be experienced during the winter is seasonal hair loss. Everyone loses hair on a daily basis, with the average number being around 50 to 100 strands. However, at some times of year, the number will be closer to the upper end of that range, meaning that the loss is a lot more noticeable. As the most common time for this to happen is in October and November, it contributes to the idea that winter causes hair loss. The problem is actually called seasonal shedding, and while it is primarily noticed in women, it also occurs in men too.

The good news is that seasonal shedding is usually nothing to be concerned about, however if you think that more than 100 strands are being lost each day, or if you notice bald patches starting to appear, it could be a sign of pattern baldness instead.

If you are worried about your thinning hair, you may want to look at ways of disguising the problem. A hair loss concealer spray is one of the best options, since it coats the individual strands of hair to make them appear to have more texture whilst also looking thicker and fuller. Simple and convenient to use, a hair thickening spray can help to restore your confidence and to make you look and feel much younger.

Should I Use Instant Hair Thickening Sрrау ?


Hаіr lоѕѕ is a реrѕіѕtant рrоblеm іn modern society for both mеn and wоmеn. While mоѕt people blаmе their thinning hair оn shampoos thаt have hаrѕh chemicals оr on their stressful lifestyle, there are actually a рlеthоrа of оthеr rеаѕоnѕ that can cause baldness. Thеѕе іnсludе hоrmоnаl fluctuations, gеnеtіс раttеrnѕ, alopecia, lасk оf ѕlеер due to unusual wоrkіng hоurѕ, malnutrition and сеrtаіn side effects of treatments for dіѕеаѕеѕ like саnсеr.

Hair Thickening Spray Results
Hair Thickening Spray Results

Whatever the cause of your thinning hair you may will be concerned and self-conscious about the situation, and as your scalp starts to bесоme more vіѕіblе you may well start to feel embarrassed and lacking in confidence which is where a hair thickening spray can help.

A hаіr thісkеnіng ѕрrау will mаkе your hair appear thicker аnd more luxurіоuѕ by sticking tо the hair ѕhаft and аdding an additional layer. Designed to improve the thickness and texture of the hair, these sprays coat every strand of hair to cover bald patches and thinning hair to give the perfect illusion of a complete head of hair.

Who can use a hair thickening spray?

Suitable for use by both men and women of any age, hair thickening sprays stay firmly in place until they are shampooed away, so you can have complete confidence all day long. Simple and convenient to use, they make the user feel fantastic, and can strip away years from their appearance to restore their confidence as well as the appearance of their hair.

Some people may worry about using a hair thickening spray as in the past, they were little more than a spray on paint which would often look very obvious and unattractive. However with modern developments and continually improved ingredients and formulas, today’s hair thickening sprays are much more effective and produce a perfect result that is completely undetectable. Quicker and easier to use than ever before, these new products use all natural ingredients for better scalp health and a great appearance.

What else can I do for a more fuller appearance?

As well as using a hair loss spray, there are a few other things уоu саn dо to mаkе your thіnnіng hair lооk thicker. Having a рrоfеѕѕіоnаl hairdresser lооk аftеr уоur hаіr is a gооd initial ѕtер. They will bе able tо advise you about which hairstyle will give your hеаd the appearance of mаxіmum соvеrаgе, perhaps by using a layered style to make your hair appear more luxuriant and full of volume.

Choosing the right hаіr саrе рrоduсtѕ is also important. Try to only use рrоduсtѕ that have been made from all natural іngrеdіеnts as they usually соntаіn еѕѕеntіаl vіtаmіnѕ fоr nоurіѕhіng your ѕсаlр and hаіr.

Instant Hair Thickening Spray
Instant Hair Thickening Spray

Hair transplant post-op info

Hair loss is a common problem in both men and women. Those that suffer from hair loss, particularly in cases of male pattern baldness or a maturing hairline, often choose to undergo a hair transplant procedure. The surgical operation allows those who suffer from baldness to gain a new lease on life and benefit from a fuller head of hair.

There are two methods widely used for hair transplantation: follicular unit extraction, abbreviated as FUE and follicular unit strip surgery, known as FUSS. FUE involves the individual removal of hair follicles, often from the back of the head, while FUSS involves removing a strip of follicles from a donor site on the body for use on the scalp.

Hair loss transplant preparation
Hair loss transplant preparation

As with any surgical operation, after a hair transplant there are a number of protocols that patients must follow in order to keep their scalp protected and allow for the hair to regrow. These include immediate care, vital care within the first two weeks and ongoing care to ensure that the best regrowth is enabled. Once the hair has started to regrow, hair thickening spray can then be used to create a full natural look.

The Days Following Your Procedure

Immediately after the hair transplant surgery, the area will be extremely tender and the doctor will generally wrap the scalp in bandages to prevent infection and to protect the area. The first few days after surgery are some of the most important days and certain care must be provided to the area if the transplant is to be a success. For the first 12 hours after the procedure, many doctors require that a saline solution is sprayed onto the scalp at 20-minute intervals.

While the area cannot be touched, the solution must be applied to every follicle and once the 12 hours are over, after sleep, this has to be continued at 30-minute intervals for up to 3 days. The process stops scabs from forming on the tender area and enables the grafts to stay fully hydrated.

The First Two Weeks of Care

After the first 3 days, a regime of shampooing is suggested to keep the area clean and hydrated. Every day a mixture of approved shampoo and water must be applied to the scalp and then gently wiped away afterwards. After between 7 and 10 days, any stitches used in FUSS procedures will be removed but the careful regime of shampoo washing is generally advised to continue up until 14 days after the operation.

Ongoing Care After Your Hair Transplant

Once the first 14 days are over, the level of care needed to maintain the area significantly reduces and it is advised to return to a normal regime of hair washing. However, any intense activity could still agitate the area, so refraining from excessive exercise or heavy lifting is advised for at least 2 more weeks.

Hair Thickening Spray Post-Op

It often takes a period of 12-18 months for hair to regrow fully after a transplant, but in many patients the hair will see some growth after a period of 3 months, after the transplanted hair has fallen out. During this time and ongoing, hair thickening spray is commonly used to make the new hair appear fuller. The best quality hair thickening spray works unobtrusively with transplanted hair to further increase the thicker appearance, helping people to get the most out of their hair transplant.

Top 5 male celebs who may use a spray-on hair thickener

The pressure to look good can be hard at times. Whether you’re planning a night out, need to look your best for work, or are even just going about your daily business, we all want to look our best. Some people feel under more pressure to look good than others, and male celebrities are at the top of the list when it comes to the need to keep up appearances.

Photographers are often relentless in their pursuit of the perfect money-maker shot and capturing a picture of a celebrity at their worst pays well. When it comes to covering bald spots, male celebrities have sought numerous techniques to try and avoid a bad experience with the paparazzi. One of the most popular and effective new methods is the use of spray on hair thickener. Here are our top 5 male celebrities who are rumoured to have used spray-on hair thickener to improve the look of their hair:

  1. Wayne Rooney

The ex-captain of England’s national football team and one of the most skilful players of all time, Wayne Rooney, is constantly in the spotlight. His battle with a rapidly receding hairline has been well documented by the media and he has been seen to have undergone many treatments over the years. Between matches with Manchester United, he has been captured sporting a fuller look- one of the effects of spray-on hair thickener.

  1. Jude Law

British actor, Jude Law, has been acclaimed for the portrayal of many beloved characters, with his upcoming performance as Albus Dumbledore in Fantastic Beasts 2 being highly anticipated. Spending a lot of time in the spotlight, many rumours have surfaced as to how he has repeatedly combatted a receding hairline, evident in many photoshoots. Due to the time gaps between photographs, it is believed that spray-on hair thickener is the secret to maintaining his trademark look.

  1. Gordon Ramsay

A triple Michelin star chef, Gordon Ramsay is well known for his no-nonsense approach to cooking, especially when it comes to the

contestants in his popular culinary shows. The changes in Gordon Ramsay’s hair first hit headlines in 2011, when he was seen at a hair

transplant clinic. Recent media coverage has caused rumours to circulate that the TV chef may also use a spray-on hair thickener to further hide his emerging baldness.

  1. John Travolta

A living legend amongst actors, John Travolta has starred in some of the biggest movies of all time, including titles such a ‘Grease’ and ‘Pulp Fiction’. Over the years, there has been a significant amount of media attention focused on John Travolta’s changing hairline. Many of the speculations indicate that hair loss fibres may be the actor’s secret to covering his baldness when red carpet appearances are looming.

  1. Jon Cryer

Famed for his portrayal of Alan Harper in the hit American TV show ‘Two and a Half Men’, Jon Cryer is one of the most well-known and publicised users of spray-on hair thickener. One of the first male celebrities to have openly admitted to using spray-on hair thickener to hide his baldness, he regularly applies the spray for important red-carpet appearances.

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