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Studies Point to New Use of Modified Protein to Fight Against Hair Loss
If you have not yet heard of either ‘FOXO4-DRI’ or ‘senescent cells’ we would not be surprised as these two terms have not been used as part of the discussion on hair loss until very recently. For many years, the technology and medicine involved with treating hair loss has been at a bit of a standstill, with no big medical revelations having occurred for a very long time. The same treatment options that are in use today have been around for decades. There have indeed been advancements in the effectiveness of those treatments, but when it comes to ground-breaking new methods and new ways of approaching treatment options, there has been little progress.

The fact that new technology and scientific knowledge connected to the topic of hair loss is a bit slow-coming, means it is always very exciting when we hear of a promising new study, and that is exactly what this article is about. A large, multi-faceted scientific project has been underway involving scientists and researchers from many countries. The study has been a central work of several universities, and was funded by a range of interested parties. This team of scientists has uncovered an amazing new technique that has been found to remove inactive aged cells which effectively reduces and reverses the ageing process, which in turn helps treat hair loss.
Before you get too excited about this study it should be said that the work is currently only being carried out on lab mice, but the results seem to be very promising. Hair loss isn’t the only positive from this new modified protein either. It has been found that the inclusion of the protein to areas suffering from tremendous stress – such as cell areas affected by radiation treatment – was largely unaffected by the stress. This could point to many different types of hair loss treatments in the future and these could be varied enough to be effective no matter what the cause of the thinning hair turns out to be.
If the cause of hair loss is genetic, the research shows that these proteins may actually be able to do two things. One is that they can revitalize the aged areas of the scalp that have been negatively impacted by the metabolite dihydrotestosterone, known as DHT, that builds up and kills off the hair follicles. Another is that the modified proteins might actually help stop all future communication between the cells that ‘don’t agree’ making the solution permanent, which is something that current products cannot yet provide.
If the cause is more lifestyle-dependent, the possibilities of what these modified proteins can provide seems almost endless. If the proteins can be introduced to areas that have seen stress, but are not likely to see that same stress in the future, damage that has always been viewed as permanent may be seen as a curable condition in the very near future. The same goes for dietary issues. Once the diet has been modified to promote healthy hair growth, the affected areas can be treated for a near permanent solution.
While these are just theories at the moment, it is nice to think that our great minds are getting closer to a cure for baldness. It has been a difficult subject for people everywhere, and finding a cure would mean the world to so many of them.
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A New Hair Loss Treatment May Be Closer Than We Think
If you are growing tired of going over the same old articles describing methods to regrow hair that have been around for ages, join the club. There seems to be no limit to the number of studies which have been done on hair transplants, hair-thickening shampoos, and topical treatments, and they all lead to a similar result. The end of the road for almost every known hair loss treatment is that it works sometimes, and other times it doesn’t. Even if you are one of the lucky few that current hair therapy works for, there is still a degree of success that comes into play and you won’t know how successful your treatment has gone until a few months have passed. On top of that, the cost and effort required to make most of the current methods work can be a bit unrealistic for many people.

It is high time to find a different approach, and luckily there are several brilliant minds working to make new discoveries all the time. One of these is a process in which pattern baldness can be stopped, and even reversed by using cell therapy in the affected areas. Androgenic alopecia is the most common cause for pattern baldness in both men and women, and it is caused when certain cells called dermal sheath cup cells are damaged by androgen hormones. The cells that are affected by the androgen hormone have receptors as part of their makeup which makes them naturally predisposed to getting killed off after there has been a lot of exposure to the hormone. Interestingly, only a portion of the hair on a person’s head has dermal sheath cup cells that have receptors for the hormone, which is the reason that only a part of a person’s head will go bald. Most of the cup cells that rest at the base of the hair follicles at the sides and back of the head are devoid of the receptors making them naturally immune to the hormone.
This new cell therapy method focuses on taking those dermal sheath cup cells from the areas of the scalp where they do not have receptors for the damaging hormone and repopulating them into the affected areas. The idea behind this form of cell therapy is that once these new cells take hold in the affected zones, there should be a permanent solution that works extremely well in growing healthy and natural hair without the need for expensive surgeries and/or long-term dedication to maintaining a topical treatment regimen.
Other potential positives for a treatment of this kind, are that the hair loss industry would be able to step away from the dangerous and unpleasant side effects that are common with the current methods. Side effects such as the loss of libido and difficulty in maintaining erections during sex are very common with some of the current medications and are, needless to say, quite unwelcome. Other side effects include headaches, loss of appetite, and difficulty in sleeping, to name just a few. Some of the more serious potential side effects that can be seen on the label of one of the most famous drugs for hair loss, Propecia, include foggy mind, chronic depression, and suicidal thoughts. The other most common hair loss treatment, Rogaine, has been known to cause a wide variety of troubling side effects as well, and that leaves very few other options that could be considered generally safe.
As time goes on, all we can hope is that the science behind our hair loss problems continues to mature. Discoveries and new methods like the one mentioned in this article are exactly what we are looking for, and we have to say that the news is very exciting. Let’s see where this new school of thought takes us.
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Frightening New Information on Finasteride
Sometimes in life, we are faced with very difficult decisions that have the potential to alter our lives in irreversible ways. If you are one of the millions of men or women who has begun to think about, or has already begun, a hair loss treatment plan, it is likely that you know just how difficult it can be to choose the best and most trusted method of saving your hair. As with almost everything in life, hair loss treatments come with a bit of risk which balances out the potential benefits. Choosing the one that is best for you, therefore, greatly depends on how those risks and benefits appear to you. One of the most talked-about hair loss drugs lately is the repurposed prostate drug called Finasteride. Better known by the brand name, Proscar, this drug has just had a new side effect listed on its label.

As a hair loss treatment, Finasteride is quite effective. There have been a few notable long-term studies that have cited almost 80% success rates in the men and women who took the medicine. That is a fairly respectable success rate for a medicine of this kind, so it is clear why it has become so popular among so many different types of people. The way Finasteride works is by inhibiting the DHT in the system. DHT is the primary cause of pattern baldness and by internally curbing the hormone, the condition also begins to go away. Finasteride has a few things in common with its cousin Rogaine which is that it goes after the DHT, but where it differs is that it is taken internally. Rogaine is a topical treatment comprised as a completely different drug, but the effects are very similar with both products. Finasteride take much longer to begin working as well, and that is mainly due to the fact the treatment is taken in tablet form.
Finasteride produces results, that much is clear, but what is also clear is that there are some side effects that anyone interested in this drug should know about. The most commonly complained about side effects are related to sexual function. In fact, the reports and complaints came in so strongly that an in-depth analysis and further study was ordered by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA back in 2010 to understand the connection between the sexual side effects people were experiencing and the medicine itself. The result of the study was that up to 15% of men suffered some form of sexual discomfort and/ or dysfunction and the results prompted the FDA to oblige any company selling the drug to list sexual side effects on the label. Some of the most common side effects cited were reduced sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and reduced semen discharge.
There have been other side effects listed for this drug as well. People have reported feeling dizzy, weak, and faint when taking the medicine, and there have been problems with rashes, swollen scalp tissue, and headaches too. As with all medications, there is no guarantee that any given person will experience any of the side effects, but it is always good to know what is possible before starting a treatment plan. If you are thinking that the benefits can outweigh the risks for you, have a talk with your doctor so that you can get the best advice possible before you begin.
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New evidence of baldness cure comes up short
A recent news story from a national newspaper emerged claiming “scientists studying cancer stumble on ‘breakthrough’ in search for baldness cure”. The report goes on to cite that “a cream or ointment may soon cure baldness or stop hair turning grey, as well as explaining why we age, one day”.
No one likes to be the bearer of bad news, but here at RESTRAND, we can confirm that these claims are falling short of their assertions (at this moment in time).

Looking into the research project a little further, it actually saw scientists conducting a study in mice, whereby they were looking into a rare genetic condition known as neurofibromatosis; a condition that causes tumours to grow along the nerves. During their research, they discovered the part a protein called KROX20 plays in our natural hair colour.
What is KROX20?
The KROX20 protein is created in specific cells within each and every single hair follicle. The KROX20 protein is also responsible for the production of another protein called SCF. It is the SCF protein that needs to be present to support the mature pigment-producing cells in the hair follicle. When it wasn’t produced, the mice lost their hair colour, ultimately becoming white. Furthermore, if the mice had little or no KROX20-producing cells, they were unable to create any new hair, which led to balding.
This is yet to be confirmed in humans cells, but the initial biology of cells in different mammals is quite precise in its similarity, so there’s every chance this could apply to us too.
As we mentioned, these new findings don’t automatically mean that the cure for greying hair and baldness is on the horizon.
The University of Texas was behind the research, with funding secured via a range of grants from the National Institutes of Health, in the United States.
The researchers were initially exploring neurofibromatosis; a condition that causes benign tumours, or neurofibromas, to develop in the sheath of nerves.
During the research, they stumbled across the fact that one strain of mice they’d genetically engineered to study this condition developed grey fur early in life. Once they had realised this interesting development, they carried out more experiments to look at why this could be, while also furthering their knowledge of the hair greying process we see in humans.
There is a long way to go, following their early findings, but it is thought that further studies will take place to decipher what can be found.
What’s next?
The research recognised a group of cells in the hair follicles of mice, and those cells play an essential role in forming the hair shaft to allow hair growth, as well as also aiding the maintenance of hair colour.
So far, this research has only been carried out in mice, although, as we mentioned earlier, the rudimentary biology of cells in mammals is very comparable, so it appears possible that the findings might also apply to humans.
So, we will all have to wait and see what the findings in the future will bring, which could be years in the waiting. For now, though, if you are coming to terms with changes to your appearance and are looking for a hair loss treatment you can trust, why not take a look at the products RESTRAND provide which can help you overcome those issues?
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