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Use Caution When Considering Natural Hair Loss Remedies

In today’s society, the term ‘natural’ seems to denote that whatever the term is describing is also ‘good’. While it may be true that many natural things are good for you, the two terms do not always equate to being the same thing. There are many dangers found in nature, and just as we have several substances that are beneficial to our health, there are also many that are detrimental. The same goes for hair loss treatments.

So-called hair loss experts will tout many big ideas about what types of natural remedies might help a person suffering from hair loss, but they often make these claims as blanket statements without considering the individual needs and situations of the people they are giving their information to. There are also many theories which come from the distant past which all seem to have a solution to the problem of thinning hair. However, these old ideas are generally based on old wives tales, hearsay and home-based concoctions- anything but any actual scientific proof. There are a plethora of natural remedies that abound on the internet, and while most are harmless, some of them inevitably come with the risk of causing much more harm than good to your hair.

One example of a natural hair treatment that can have adverse effects, for people who are already suffering from certain conditions, is called Amla. Amla is a very common ingredient found in natural hair loss remedies, and while it may have some positive effect on hair growth of perfectly healthy people, Amla is also linked to lowering blood sugar levels, slowing liver functions, and increasing blood flow. That means anyone with liver disease, diabetes, or any other condition where proper blood flow is a factor in the severity of it, must approach this remedy with caution.

Hair loss foods
Hair loss foods

Another common idea that people have is that the fenugreek plant can help curb hair loss. There is currently no scientific data to support those claims, but there are plenty of studies which have been done to show that fenugreek can be harmful. Fenugreek can have adverse effects on the stomach when taken in large quantities which can be especially harmful for pregnant women as it can cause the uterus to contract. Fenugreek is also linked to lowering blood pressure so should be used with caution when used in conjunction with certain prescription medications and for those suffering from blood disorders. If you are planning on trying this ‘miracle cure’, it is probably wise to review your strategy and seek medical advice.

Although most of the natural remedies that are advertised to help with hair loss are ineffective and sometimes dangerous, there are other natural things that you can do to rule out the possibilities of self-inflicted hair loss. It is true that there isn’t much that we can do about genetic, male-pattern baldness, but when genes aren’t responsible for the condition there are a few things that can be done. For one thing, when hair loss is caused by dietary needs or stress, the problem can be reversed by correcting the underlying problem that is causing the condition. When hair loss occurs as a result of scalp-related diseases or excessive dryness, there are many treatments that can help by (re)creating a healthy environment for which hair can grow. By finding the underlying cause of your hair loss, you will be much more successful in treating your condition.

For a completely safe solution to hair loss please see our hair thickening spray which helps to hide hair loss.

Is Stress Causing Your Hair Loss?

While genetic pattern balding may take the stage as the most common cause of hair loss, it is definitely not the only one. It is important to be aware of other potential causes of hair loss, especially if you are beginning to consider a treatment plan that can cost a lot of money, and take a considerable amount of time to show any positive results. Of all the possibilities other than pattern baldness, stress is one of the most common factors that can make one lose hair. This can be both good and bad news depending on how you look at it. Although identifying sources of stress and then figuring out how to eliminate it can potentially reduce the stress-related hair loss, and sometimes even reverse it, changing our lifestyles and outlook on life can be a little difficult sometimes.

Man stressed with hair loss issues
Man stressed with hair loss issues

There are three types of stress-related hair loss and each is unique in its own way. Telogen effluvium is the most common stress-related condition causing hair loss. When a person suffers from a significantly stressful event, the body can send signals to the hair follicles which sets them into a resting phase. When this happens, the person is unaware that any damage has occurred, but after a few months they will experience a high degree of hair loss as the follicles ‘let go’ of the hair. While telogen effluvium is a passive bodily reaction to stress that often flies under the radar, there is another common cause of hair loss from stress called Trichotillomania. People who suffer from this type of stress-related hair loss actually pull their hair out when they are feeling stressed or depressed. While it may seem that this would be an easy condition to treat, people who suffer from this condition generally act on irresistible urges which are difficult to control. The third, and final, condition causing stress-related hair loss is called Alopecia areata. Alopecia areata is a far more serious condition which is triggered by intense stress. This condition causes the body’s immune system to attack the hair follicles making them fall out in large quantities in a short amount of time.

The most difficult part about suffering from hair loss caused by stress may be the hair loss itself, but it is more likely that stress may be a more important thing to get a handle on. It is generally understood that stress is a major cause of many illnesses, and if a person is suffering from enough stress to make their hair fall out it is likely that they may be in line for other stress-related problems as well.

To reduce stress, there are a few things that everyone can do. A combination of a good diet, plenty of sleep, exercise, and leisure activities is necessary for healthy living. If any of these are missing from a person’s life, there is a very good chance that they are experiencing stress at levels beyond what would normally be considered healthy. It is also a good idea to review any medications as many of them have serious side effects that can lead to both mental and physical stress. By managing stress, there are so many health benefits that come along with it, and maintaining healthy hair is one of the things that people can enjoy.

If hair loss is causing you stress our hair loss concealer provides an instant solution.

Can diabetes cause hair loss?

There are several causes of hair loss, from genetic pattern baldness to conditions such as alopecia. These are commonly known in society, but one you may not have realised is the condition of diabetes. For women who are unaware they have diabetes, hair loss can be one of the first signs that they have the condition.

What is diabetes and how does it affect you?

Diabetes is when your body is unable to produce enough insulin, cannot use the insulin production efficiently, or sometimes both.

Insulin is the hormone in your body that transfers the sugars from the food you consume from the bloodstream into the cells. This process happens so that the sugars can be stored for when the body needs energy resources.

Diabetes can create a sugar build up in the blood that affects organs around the body; it can also damage your blood vessels whose role is to carry oxygen around the body to nourish all your organs and tissues.

What do I do if I’m losing my hair because of diabetes?

The first key advice to follow is to seek medical advice to discuss the symptoms of your diabetes. The doctor may recommend adjustments in lifestyle, including your diet, as well as the medications you use to help your blood sugar levels and help alleviate this symptom.

If diabetes is the only reason for the hair loss, this symptom is more than likely going to be a temporary problem, once your hormones readjust after medication. Although, it is possible that the hair growth rate will be slightly slower than what is normal.

Diabetes and hair loss
Diabetes and hair loss

Why does diabetes cause hair loss?

Hair growth normally goes through the following process:

Active growing stage:

During this stage, which generally lasts for two years or more, hair will grow at a monthly rate of 1 to 2cm.

Resting stage:

The next stage is called the ‘resting phase’; this can last anywhere around 100 days. Once the stage is complete, some of the resting hair can fall out.

If your blood vessels are damaged, your body may not be able to deliver enough oxygen to nurture your hair follicles, therefore affecting the natural hair growth cycle outlined above.

When you have diabetes, your body affects this natural hair process resulting in your overall hair growth. The condition can also cause you to lose more hair than usual after the resting stage. Additionally, when the hair re-grows, it can grow at a slower-pace than normal.

Infections, due to the high blood sugar levels, can also affect the immune system, thus leaving people suffering with diabetes susceptible to infections and leaving their bodies to struggle to fight it off. Some infections can have the ability to disrupt healthy hair growth.

People with diabetes are more than likely to suffer with a condition called alopecia areata, particularly when they are diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes; this is where the immune system attacks the hair follicles and can result in hair loss across many areas of the body. Other conditions related to diabetes can also be the determining factor in hair loss; this includes stress from living with the chronic illness, side effects from the medicine used to treat diabetes or thyroid disease, that some people with diabetes can develop alongside the condition.

How do people overcome hair loss from diabetes?

Experiencing excessive hair loss can be a stressful time and can cause a lot of anxiety for the person involved. Generally, hair loss can be dealt with in several ways, and some cases can be temporary, so seeking medical advice is essential to determine the cause of your hair loss. If you have alopecia areata, your hair may be able to grow back with the help of a specialist.

Exercise is often recommended for a lot of sufferers as completing exercise can decrease the high levels of blood sugars in the system. In addition, exercise can help the body deliver oxygen to all of the body’s cells, including the hair follicles.

Ensure that your body is kept highly nourished from your diet. Nutritional foods such as fruits, vegetables and grains can help you have healthy-looking hair and hair that is more resilient against the factors that cause hair loss.

Remember to not over style your hair every day, as this can put your hair under a lot of pressure. People with diabetes can often have thinner hair, so it’s essential to not continually put your hair follicles under harsh conditions, such as colouring and styling.

High or low blood systems can cause issues for the cardiovascular system, so ensuring you control your blood sugars can prevent the onset of hair loss. If the blood is unable to reach the hair follicles, the hair will be weak and brittle that can increase the chances of damage. If poor circulation issues continue the hair will die due to lack of nutrients, and this will result in balding.

These processes will take time to see results, but you will see benefits from them in the long-run.

What instant fixes are there for my hair loss?

If your hair is falling out because of diabetes, or for any other reason, there are many solutions to help you conceal the issue. Managing your hair loss can be an upsetting experience, but with our easy-to-use hair thickener, you can see an instant result for hair loss. Our products are designed to naturally conceal any problem areas to help you feel more confident day-to-day.

If you would like to discuss more about our instant balding fixes, don’t hesitate to get in touch today.

How to get thicker hair for men

Gradual hair thinning is a natural part of the ageing process, but some men as young as their teens and 20’s can experience male-pattern baldness. For most men, this can cause stress which can affect their self-esteem and stop them from enjoying everyday life. Luckily, there are many solutions and UK hair thickening products available to help naturally thicken hair.

Man washing hair
Man looking thoughtful in the shower


We all know that eating the right foods can work wonders on our bodies, but did you know that there some foods which can help make your hair thicker? Healthy hair can be achieved with a diet rich in certain foods, which are also of benefit to your overall health. Take a look at some of these foods below:


Copper, found in avocado, is one of the best minerals for your hair and your skin. Copper can build up the collagen and elastin on the skin which holds hair to the follicle. This mineral can also help balance out hormones, so hair grows stronger and aids other reactions in the scalp that strengthens lipids in the hair. You can find copper in other foods like shellfish, beef, whole grains, dark leafy greens, nuts and even chocolate.

Pumpkin seeds

Full of zinc, pumpkin seeds help with cellular turnover, cell division and growth that helps form keratin, a protein that makes up hair. Zinc can also help preserve your hair colour and prevent you from experiencing dandruff. Pumpkin seeds can be easily added to salads or just enjoyed as a snack. You can also find other sources of zinc in beef, sesame seeds, lamb, oysters, lentils and chickpeas.

Whole grain cereals

Whole grain cereals are rich in iron, which is one of the most important minerals for your hair. Iron also increases energy levels, nourishes your skin and keeps your heart healthy, which are all important for overall health and wellbeing. As well as being found in wholegrains, beef, dark meats, chicken are also rich in iron.

Lentils and cashew nuts are plant-based sources of iron, but you should try to pair them with vitamin-C-rich foods like tomatoes, strawberries or kiwi which will help your body absorb the iron.

Don’t wash your hair too often

Try to keep your hair washing to a bare minimum. If your hair is thin, it will probably get greasy rather quickly, but washing your hair too often will only encourage your scalp to produce even more oil, therefore making it greasy quicker. This being said, it is still important not to let your hair get too greasy, as this can cause hair to shed more than usual. It is all about maintaining balance. Why not try this process when washing your hair?

  1. Mix rosemary oil, sunflower oil and jojoba oil together and let your hair soak in it. This mixture can stimulate cell division and dilutes blood vessels which in turn stimulates hair follicles.
  2. Leave the mixture in your hair for around an hour and then rinse it out using organic apple cider vinegar. The acidity of the vinegar will balance out your natural pH levels so that it won’t dry out your scalp like some shampoos do. This will leave your hair feeling soft and shiny, and it will also ensure that the oils will be rinsed out of your hair.

Look after your hair

Your hair needs to be looked after properly, and sometimes it is often overlooked. Below we have some tips to ensure you keep your hair nice and healthy.

  • Avoid hot showers and shampoo your scalp, rather than your ends.
  • If you condition your hair, only condition the ends.
  • Pat your hair, don’t rub to dry it.
  • Avoid over washing.

Just remember to eat right, and really take the time to look after your hair, and we are sure you will see the benefits. However, for faster results, we can help you get thicker hair that can give it added texture as well as added thickness with our Instant Hair Thickener. Why not take a look at our products online today?

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