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Top 5 male celebs who may use a spray-on hair thickener

The pressure to look good can be hard at times. Whether you’re planning a night out, need to look your best for work, or are even just going about your daily business, we all want to look our best. Some people feel under more pressure to look good than others, and male celebrities are at the top of the list when it comes to the need to keep up appearances.

Photographers are often relentless in their pursuit of the perfect money-maker shot and capturing a picture of a celebrity at their worst pays well. When it comes to covering bald spots, male celebrities have sought numerous techniques to try and avoid a bad experience with the paparazzi. One of the most popular and effective new methods is the use of spray on hair thickener. Here are our top 5 male celebrities who are rumoured to have used spray-on hair thickener to improve the look of their hair:

  1. Wayne Rooney

The ex-captain of England’s national football team and one of the most skilful players of all time, Wayne Rooney, is constantly in the spotlight. His battle with a rapidly receding hairline has been well documented by the media and he has been seen to have undergone many treatments over the years. Between matches with Manchester United, he has been captured sporting a fuller look- one of the effects of spray-on hair thickener.

  1. Jude Law

British actor, Jude Law, has been acclaimed for the portrayal of many beloved characters, with his upcoming performance as Albus Dumbledore in Fantastic Beasts 2 being highly anticipated. Spending a lot of time in the spotlight, many rumours have surfaced as to how he has repeatedly combatted a receding hairline, evident in many photoshoots. Due to the time gaps between photographs, it is believed that spray-on hair thickener is the secret to maintaining his trademark look.

  1. Gordon Ramsay

A triple Michelin star chef, Gordon Ramsay is well known for his no-nonsense approach to cooking, especially when it comes to the

contestants in his popular culinary shows. The changes in Gordon Ramsay’s hair first hit headlines in 2011, when he was seen at a hair

transplant clinic. Recent media coverage has caused rumours to circulate that the TV chef may also use a spray-on hair thickener to further hide his emerging baldness.

  1. John Travolta

A living legend amongst actors, John Travolta has starred in some of the biggest movies of all time, including titles such a ‘Grease’ and ‘Pulp Fiction’. Over the years, there has been a significant amount of media attention focused on John Travolta’s changing hairline. Many of the speculations indicate that hair loss fibres may be the actor’s secret to covering his baldness when red carpet appearances are looming.

  1. Jon Cryer

Famed for his portrayal of Alan Harper in the hit American TV show ‘Two and a Half Men’, Jon Cryer is one of the most well-known and publicised users of spray-on hair thickener. One of the first male celebrities to have openly admitted to using spray-on hair thickener to hide his baldness, he regularly applies the spray for important red-carpet appearances.

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The top men’s hairstyles to hide thinning hair 2017

It can be a pain to style your hair if you have suffered from excessive hair loss. However, you do not want to have to settle for a hairstyle that is not fashionable or flattering for you just because of a few problem areas. That’s why we have compiled a list of men’s hairstyles that are trending for 2017 but are also ideal for concealing any bald patches:

Short and textured

man with short and textured hairstyle
Man with short and textured hairstyle

Perfect for men who have bald patches at the front of the head, beyond a receding hairline. A classic style that is ideal for any men dealing with thinning hair is the short and textured style. The ‘messy’ style gives the illusion that you have more hair on the top because of the added volume. Whilst the shortness of the hair will make the hair feel thicker.

A texturing product that is run through the hair will create a textured look. If your hair is naturally straight, try spiking it a little with a very small amount of

Parted fringe

Daniel Craig sporting a side parting
Daniel Craig sporting a side parting


Sported by the likes of Ryan Gosling and Daniel Craig, the parted fringe is perfect for men who have a receding hairline and want a classic look. Ensure to grow your hair longer on the top and keep the sides and back short to make this style work to your advantage. The idea with this hairstyle is to wear your hair forward to conceal the hairline. It is best to use a lightweight product to hold the style in place without weighing it down.

The Fade

young man with a hair fade
young man with a hair fade

Perfect for men who still have hair at the front but are noticing the first signs of thinning hair. Additionally, a good option for men who have jobs where they can show off their creative

An undercut or fade will make the hair on the top look more prominent, due to the contrast from the shorter back and sides. You will need hair of medium length to see the full potential of this hairstyle. Start by combing the hair on the top across to the opposite side to create maximum fullness, top this off with adding volumising powder at the roots to add in extra fullness.

Swept back

Man with swept back hair
Man with swept back hair


Perfect for men who are dealing with any balding around the crown of their head. This slick, swept back hairstyle is super stylish and great at taking the focus away from the bald patch. It is best to keep your fringe a lot longer, with a shorter length for the back and sides, to complete this look. This hairstyle works because it will create some height at the front, extending all the way back to the crown of the head, using the longer hair at the front to hide the thinning at the

You will need to create volume in your fringe to make this hairstyle; this can be done using a hair dryer that you can use to help structure the look. You will also need a styling paste to secure the style in

To ensure extra coverage for your new-do, why not purchase our hair loss concealer, UK based products? Our products are designed to naturally conceal any balding patches to leave you with a seamless look you will be happy to show off.


Image credits: discutivo

Why do men lose their hair?

It is perfectly normal for men to lose hair as they get older, but it is also becoming more common for the younger generation to experience this as well. Unfortunately, this leaves many of us asking why our hair is thinning or why our hair is receding.

The human body contains approximately five million hair follicles, while the scalp (before any hair loss has occurred) contains 100,000 to around 150,000 hair follicles. It is in fact blondes who have the highest number of follicles, followed by brunettes, and those with red hair have the fewest.

Normal hair growth cycle

Before you wonder why you are losing your hair, it is important to understand the natural hair cycle which occurs within the human body. This happens in three phases; Anagen, Catagen and Telogen and every single hair goes through these phases, with each relating to a different state of activity.

The growing phase – Anagen

The first phase, Anagen, is the growing stage, and lasts for around 1,000 days in the human scalp, but can last for as long as six years! During this phase, hair cells multiply rapidly, the hair shaft grows in diameter and hair reaches maximum length.

Transitional phase – Catagen

The Catagen phase lasts for around two weeks and is the transitional or regressive phase where the hair stops growing before the next phase begins.

Resting phase – Telogen

This is the resting stage, which can last for five or six weeks, and during this phase, the hair simply rests. Towards the end of this phase, activity in the hair follicle starts again, and a new hair in the Anagen phase develops, forcing old Telogen hair out.

old man suffering from hair loss
Old man suffering from hair loss


We lose lots of hair throughout the day, about 50-100 hairs to be exact, and this can happen during your morning shower and when you are combing it. However, losing a lot of your hair can be due to a number of things. In most cases, it is just due to age and just the natural process, because the body just simply slows down the process of producing hair follicles, meaning they just aren’t as productive as the once were in your youth.

As we said above, for some people the onset of hair loss can happen earlier than they would want. Often these reasons can be genetic and lie in a person’s family tree. In some cases, a grandparent may have lost their hair early in their adult life, and it may occur in their children or skip a generation; this is usually the main cause of hair loss. As men get older they may notice a receding hairline start to develop, which over time may turn to bald patches and eventually full baldness. There can often be medical reasons to explain why a person is losing their hair, as it can be a side effect of medication, stress or due to being ill.

As we age, the natural process of losing hair is actually called ‘male pattern baldness’. The reason this occurs in both men and women is usually down to levels of testosterone as we get older. Men produce a lot of testosterone in comparison to women who produce very little of the hormone, for different biological reasons. This causes the hair follicles to fail and as a result, when hair starts to fall out, it does not get exchanged with new follicles. As men produce more testosterone than women they experience more hair loss as they get older.

If you are concerned about your hair, you can buy instant hair thickener in our online store.

Dealing with hair loss in women: facts, tips and information

As a woman, losing your hair can be a huge blow to your confidence and self-esteem, and understandably so. Noticing that the volume isn’t what it used to be, or the hairline starting to recede will naturally raise alarm bells, for both sexes, but for women, it can be an especially sensitive issue.

Hair loss can develop through many reasons such as; genetics, stress, a medical condition or treatment of that condition. It is also a fact that around 50% of women lose increased levels of hair than they normally would following child birth.

More recently, cases of hair loss among women have increased as part of the ageing process, is an issue that increasingly affects women as they get older. Fortunately, there is no need to simply accept the inevitable, there are ways and means of counteracting what is happening to your locks which can assist in remedying problems that have arisen.

Below you will find a handful of useful facts, tips and information that can help those who are dealing with the issue of hair loss:


Chemicals treatments you can receive in salons are very harmful to the hair. For example, bleaching, chemically straightening, and lightening your hair are all treatment that can lead to significant damage being caused to the hair shaft, which weakens the hair, resulting in loss of hair. Women who are conscious of looking after their hair should always aim to keep to their natural style and colour, or as closely as possible, should they be experiencing hair loss or thinning. If this guidance is not taken on board, the problem will just get worse. If chemical processing is something that is used regularly, it is vital to remember to treat the hair with a deep-conditioning treatment at least once every seven days; this will provide the best results for healthy hair.

Product picking

Due to the fact that both hair loss and thinning hair are rather large concerns, cosmetically, for women, there are lots of products on the market that are designed specifically with restoring hair growth, in mind. The products come in the form of shampoos and conditioners that are made containing various oils and minerals that can assist in hair growth, as well as maintaining general healthy hair and increasing scalp health. If a person is suffering from thinning hair, there are also products that can work in tandem with these products, such as a hair thickening spray, which gently coats and matches each hair to give you added texture and thickness.

Take heed on high heat

As we mentioned with chemicals, heat is similarly hard on hair. The main reason heat is so detrimental to hair is because it causes bonds within the hair strands to fracture, triggering the onset of brittle hair, which subsequently breaks and falls out. If a person wants to use curling tongs or straightening irons, they should ensure they do not leave them on one area of their hair for extended lengths of time, roughly ten seconds is the recommended period for any single section of hair.

It’s also worth bearing in mind that if sizzling is heard, then the heat setting is too high, so the hair is going to be burning. Heat-protecting sprays and allowing the hair to dry as naturally as it can be before using heated tools will reduce the damage the tools are inflicting on your hair.

How to help handle hair loss

There can be a variety of psychological impacts that are the result of hair loss. If a person loses hair, living with it can be made easier if the person is able to come to terms with it. That is not to say they have to accept their new appearance; as we mentioned, there are plenty of products out there to remedy the situation, but overcoming the initial realisation and looking at how to deal with it will help in the long run.

Experts say that how well someone copes with looking at themselves in the mirror is all reliant on their coping strategies self-esteem, and personality, as well as the support around them. Essentially, it is vital to try and promote positivity in one’s life, and hopefully, with all the options available, this is something that can be a part of anyone’s lives if they are going through hair loss.

Can diabetes cause hair loss?

There are several causes of hair loss, from genetic pattern baldness to conditions such as alopecia. These are commonly known in society, but one you may not have realised is the condition of diabetes. For women who are unaware they have diabetes, hair loss can be one of the first signs that they have the condition.

What is diabetes and how does it affect you?

Diabetes is when your body is unable to produce enough insulin, cannot use the insulin production efficiently, or sometimes both.

Insulin is the hormone in your body that transfers the sugars from the food you consume from the bloodstream into the cells. This process happens so that the sugars can be stored for when the body needs energy resources.

Diabetes can create a sugar build up in the blood that affects organs around the body; it can also damage your blood vessels whose role is to carry oxygen around the body to nourish all your organs and tissues.

What do I do if I’m losing my hair because of diabetes?

The first key advice to follow is to seek medical advice to discuss the symptoms of your diabetes. The doctor may recommend adjustments in lifestyle, including your diet, as well as the medications you use to help your blood sugar levels and help alleviate this symptom.

If diabetes is the only reason for the hair loss, this symptom is more than likely going to be a temporary problem, once your hormones readjust after medication. Although, it is possible that the hair growth rate will be slightly slower than what is normal.

Diabetes and hair loss
Diabetes and hair loss

Why does diabetes cause hair loss?

Hair growth normally goes through the following process:

Active growing stage:

During this stage, which generally lasts for two years or more, hair will grow at a monthly rate of 1 to 2cm.

Resting stage:

The next stage is called the ‘resting phase’; this can last anywhere around 100 days. Once the stage is complete, some of the resting hair can fall out.

If your blood vessels are damaged, your body may not be able to deliver enough oxygen to nurture your hair follicles, therefore affecting the natural hair growth cycle outlined above.

When you have diabetes, your body affects this natural hair process resulting in your overall hair growth. The condition can also cause you to lose more hair than usual after the resting stage. Additionally, when the hair re-grows, it can grow at a slower-pace than normal.

Infections, due to the high blood sugar levels, can also affect the immune system, thus leaving people suffering with diabetes susceptible to infections and leaving their bodies to struggle to fight it off. Some infections can have the ability to disrupt healthy hair growth.

People with diabetes are more than likely to suffer with a condition called alopecia areata, particularly when they are diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes; this is where the immune system attacks the hair follicles and can result in hair loss across many areas of the body. Other conditions related to diabetes can also be the determining factor in hair loss; this includes stress from living with the chronic illness, side effects from the medicine used to treat diabetes or thyroid disease, that some people with diabetes can develop alongside the condition.

How do people overcome hair loss from diabetes?

Experiencing excessive hair loss can be a stressful time and can cause a lot of anxiety for the person involved. Generally, hair loss can be dealt with in several ways, and some cases can be temporary, so seeking medical advice is essential to determine the cause of your hair loss. If you have alopecia areata, your hair may be able to grow back with the help of a specialist.

Exercise is often recommended for a lot of sufferers as completing exercise can decrease the high levels of blood sugars in the system. In addition, exercise can help the body deliver oxygen to all of the body’s cells, including the hair follicles.

Ensure that your body is kept highly nourished from your diet. Nutritional foods such as fruits, vegetables and grains can help you have healthy-looking hair and hair that is more resilient against the factors that cause hair loss.

Remember to not over style your hair every day, as this can put your hair under a lot of pressure. People with diabetes can often have thinner hair, so it’s essential to not continually put your hair follicles under harsh conditions, such as colouring and styling.

High or low blood systems can cause issues for the cardiovascular system, so ensuring you control your blood sugars can prevent the onset of hair loss. If the blood is unable to reach the hair follicles, the hair will be weak and brittle that can increase the chances of damage. If poor circulation issues continue the hair will die due to lack of nutrients, and this will result in balding.

These processes will take time to see results, but you will see benefits from them in the long-run.

What instant fixes are there for my hair loss?

If your hair is falling out because of diabetes, or for any other reason, there are many solutions to help you conceal the issue. Managing your hair loss can be an upsetting experience, but with our easy-to-use hair thickener, you can see an instant result for hair loss. Our products are designed to naturally conceal any problem areas to help you feel more confident day-to-day.

If you would like to discuss more about our instant balding fixes, don’t hesitate to get in touch today.

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